Interpol Issues ‘Red Notice’ for Bosnian Serb Ex-Fighter

Interpol has issued a “red notice”, the closest mechanism to an international arrest warrant, for Zoran Stupar, a former member of the Public Security Station in Vlasenica in eastern Bosnia, after he failed to respond to court summons.
Stupar’s lawyer, Danilo Mrkaljevic, said that his client was ordered into custody, but he did not know where he was or that a warrant was issued.
“I am his attorney, but I do not know where he is. I did not know that a warrant against him has been issued. I know he was ordered into custody,” Mrkaljevic told BIRN.
In mid-November 2018 the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina confirmed an indictment against Stupar and three others for crimes against humanity committed in the Vlasenica area, during the war in Bosnia, from April to September 1992.
He was charged along with Simo Stupar, Zoran and Goran Tesic, for having “personally and directly” participated in attacks on villages and other places inhabited by Bosniaks in Vlasenica municipality.
During these attacks, they are accused of involvement in the murders of at least 16 Bosniaks, the persecution of several dozen civilians, including minors, and of detaining people at the Susica detention camp and the police Public Security Station in Vlasenica.
“Houses and other property owned by the Bosniak population were pillaged and set on fire [during the attacks],” the prosecution said in a statement when it initiated the charges.
According to the indictment, Simo and Zoran Stupar and Goran Tesic committed the crimes as police officers at the Public Security Station in Vlasenica, and Zoran Tesic did so as a Bosnian Serb Army soldier.
Raspisana ‘crvena potjernica’ za Zoranom Stuparom
Interpol je raspisao ‘crvenu potjernicu’, koja je najbliža međunarodnom nalogu za hapšenje, za Zoranom Stuparom, bivšim pripadnikom Stanice javne bezbjednosti (SJB) Vlasenica u istočnoj BiH, a nakon što se nije odazvao na pozive suda.
Stuparov advokat Danilo Mrkaljević je rekao da je određen pritvor za njegovog branjenika, ali da ne zna gde se on nalazi, niti da je raspisana potjernica.
„Jesam branilac, ali ne znam gdje se nalazi. Ne znam da je raspisana potjernica za njim, znam da je određen pritvor”, izjavio je Mrkaljević za BIRN.
Sredinom novembra 2018. godine Sud BiH je potvrdio optužnicu protiv Stupara i još tri osobe zbog zločina protiv čovječnosti počinjenih na području Vlasenice od aprila do septembra 1992. godine.
Zajedno s njim optuženi su Simo Stupar i Zoran i Goran Tešić, koji se terete da su „lično i direktno” učestvovali u napadima na sela i mesta nastanjena bošnjačkim stanovništvom na području opštine Vlasenica.
Terete se da su tokom napada učestvovali u ubistvima najmanje 16 žrtava bošnjačke nacionalnosti, progonu više desetina civila, među kojima je bilo i maloljetnih osoba, i zatvaranju u logor „Sušica“ i objekat SJB Vlasenica.
„Kuće i imovina bošnjačkog stanovništva su opljačkani i spaljeni”, saopštilo je Tužilaštvo u vreme podnošenja optužnice.
Simo i Zoran Stupar i Goran Tešić su, prema optužnici, ove zločine počinili kao pripadnici sastava SJB-a Vlasenica, dok je Zoran Tešić bio pripadnik Vojske Republike Srpske (VRS).
Source: Balkan Transitional Justice