BiH Presidency urged to adopt the Annual National Program
SARAJEVO, January 8 (FENA) – The US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo sent a letter to members of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina urging them to adopt the Annual National Program for BiH, which the NATO has made possible with its most recent decision in this regard, BHRT reports.
In a letter to the Presidency, Pompeo acknowledges the NATO Integration Commission that has drafted the Annual National Plan and urges the authorities to forward it to Brussels as soon as possible.
“This move will not predetermine future membership in NATO, but will have a positive impact on the transformation and modernization of the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
This step will also improve security in BiH and strengthen the reform process that is already part of the bid to obtain a candidate status in negotiations with the European Union.
Therefore, I invite you to continue the activities undertaken by the previous BiH authorities and take advantage of the process of adopting the Annual National Plan,” wrote Pompeo in the letter.
He believes that the decision of BiH to join the Alliance is clearly emphasized in the existing BiH Foreign Policy Strategy and understands that there are concerns within the Presidency that a higher level of cooperation with the NATO could have an impact on relations with neighboring countries.
Pompeo points out that Serbia, although not a member of NATO, nor it has expressed the desire to become one, has significant cooperation with the Alliance, including joint exercises aimed at increasing the level of interoperability between the Serbian Army and NATO members, and that there is no reason for BiH not to establish similar, closer ties with NATO.
Finally, Pompeo added that BiH is of strategic importance for regional stability, and that, therefore, the United States wants and appreciates a higher level of cooperation with BiH, and pointed out that now is the right time to submit the Annual National Plan to NATO.
He concluded that BiH should be proud of the recognitions received by the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina, who, together with NATO units, are taking part in the “Resolute Support” mission in Afghanistan”.